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**Charging to student accounts for the Fall Semester is available until September 4. **


**While we are under construction, we encourage you to order your textbooks online after attending class at least once to confirm needed materials.  Check the “pickup at store” shipping option if you are going to be on campus.  The Bookstore will be in its temporary location between the Dining Hall and Luckasen Room.**


Bookstore Hours: 

8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday

8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday



Returning Customer


Students must be logged in to use Student Financial Aid as payment. Students enrolled at MSU may already have an existing account with their "" email. To check to see if your account has been uploaded or to log into your student account for the first time, choose "Forgot Your Password?" . IF YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WAS NOT FOUND: Choose "Register Here" option shown above.

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